CLT Prototype Modular House

As part of the Stonegate Fields Masterplan a housing design was needed to populate the site. This needed to respond to the landscape character and rural housing typologies. A cookie cutter approach to the housing would not fit in to the rural housing diversity. It also had to fit in with the aspiration of a zero carbon development. A quick to construct low impact approach was desired that offered a balance between standardisation and uniqueness.

Instead of designing a standard layout that would be stamped out over the site, the concept splits the home into it’s constituent parts; sleeping; living and garage. The layouts of these were designed so that they could be assembled in multiple configurations. This allows each layout to meet the adjacency and needs of individual plots. Conceived as a highly insulated CLT design on screw piles the building could be clad in multiple materials with standardisation of construction detailing. Off site manufacture would lead to a higher quality build with minimal time on site.